AJ Smith – Grammy

My grandma has always been my biggest fan. And with the GRAMMYs getting pushed back from COVID, I thought it’d be awesome to celebrate the “OG Grammy” in my life, my abuelita! Ever since I was a kid, she’d show up to all of my school plays, band shows, put my mix-tape CDs on for anyone and everyone who would listen. Some of my first fans were from her church, where she’d ask me to play any time I’d visit for a weekend. I haven’t gotten to see her much during COVID – I moved to a new city (Nashville) where I’m farther from family and between the distance and the COVID caution of not wanting to potentially spread this virus to my grandparents, I’ve missed her a lot and I know that’s a narrative that’s super common in this time with many even losing these extremely important people in their lives.

I played a mini tour for the first time since COVID a few months ago though and made sure to include a stop at my grandparents’ hometown (Annapolis, MD). My grandma SHOWED UP. She rocked my merch, invited dozens of friends, and was singing along to all of my songs. And it was so cool getting to see so many people my grandma’s age dancing in their seats, singing along and clapping to my music. They may not be the demographic at my average show, but it just shows how music can transcend generations. Plus, my grandma has some pretty hip friends, I must say. I’m so grateful to my grandma for her support. 
I wrote this song for her, to celebrate my biggest fan, and I played it for her over the holidays. We danced in the living room to it. She pulled out some crazy moves for 81! So in an industry built on chasing awards (which hey, I still want), here’s to the golden people in our lives that are better than any award could ever be. Cheers, Grammy.