ZIRAH MAERI – Baby It’s Over

Atypical and passionate character, Zirah Maeri embodies through her music those things that cross us one day or another. The joy of love, the toxic relationship, the painful breakup, the revolt too. In what could be a modern resurgence of the spirit of the 60’s psychedelic rock scene, largely tinged with various influences, we are surprised by an unsuspected intensity that plunges us into a world where fragility becomes fierce.

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Figuring the revolt of a woman who doesn’t want to be silent anymore and who becomes aware of the emancipating choices she has to make, “Baby It’s Over” is a first single which reveals passion, at the same time rock, direct and sensual. In the desire to transmit the energy that Zirah brings on stage, the song is carried by a vibrant, feline voice, with this very light tremolo that gives it a slightly old school style. To promote this track, a video clip was released on Youtube on April 04, 2022.