Koenix – Morge am drü

Koenix, the internationally well-known medieval folk rock band from Switzerland, is finally back. After four studio albums and the „best of“ album „Dekade 1“ the musicians – Jonas Martin Schneider (vocals, bagpipes), Michael Hugi (bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy), Marco Piccapietra (bouzouki, sitar) and Philipp Eichenberger (drums) – returned with new material.

Over the next few months they are going to release three singles as well as a brand-new album. For the past eleven years Koenix established themselves at medieval, folk and indie festivals in various European countries, impressing with spectacular live shows including their own in-house pyrotechnics, dancers and magnificent costumes. The new drummer Philipp Eichenberger turns out to be a real win. His rhythmic foundation shows repeatedly that his roots are in the metal genre.

This song in Swiss dialect asks: “Do you still like to sing, dance and party? Yes? That means we understand each other. When it comes to music, everyone speaks the same language.” “Morgen am Drü” is a great party song out of the just released album EILAND by Koenix (CH).